The Calls Of Peter
Matthew 4:18-22, Mark 1:16-20, Luke 5:1-11, John 1:35-42
When your kids reach a certain age they leave. One mother hadn't heard from her daughter in a while. Hairdresser said send a card saying here's $50 but without the money.
Took Peters life and sum it to one calling but there are three callings. Layers of Peters heart.
Peters first calling was to know Jesus (John 1:35-42)
Johns writing is odd in arrangement. Each gospel is used for a different purpose. They rearranged them to make a point.
Many of Jesus' disciples were the disciples of John the Baptist. Jesus passes John and his deciphers and John proclaims Him the lamb of God. John doesn't put his name out there and he omits his name to show he is not worthy.
Jesus wanted them to experience Him and get to know Him.
You can get wrapped up in a lot of things about Jesus that aren't Jesus. It is the person and the work of Jesus Christ Himself. To trust someone you need to know who they are. You have to get to know Him. If you know who Jesus is and don't trust Him there is something really wrong with you.
I will not trust in myself.. In what I can do or what I have. I will trust in Him. The first step to walking with Christ is to walk with Christ.
Peters second calling was to know Jesus' power.
Following Jewish rabbis was very common. They traveled from place to place and lived off of the generosity of others. They would go and learn from the rabbis. They would even dress like them and would bring the children to them and would follow them. Thati (disciple)-copy. As you make copies they get less and less like the original. Just because you are a copy of Christ doesn't mean you are a good one. We do fellowship, prayer, reading Bible to ensure we are an accurate copy. If we are going to copy Christ we need to copy Him accurately. For Peter following Jesus was following a man who taught (Luke 5). Like a rock concert. They kept pressing closer and closer. He got in the boat to preach. If someone did something kind for you do you thank them? So Jesus says to Peter row out a little bit and put out net. Jesus is supernaturally overwhelming. Peter falls in reverence and awe.
You follow Him because He is able and He is worthy. Believe that He is able, trust that He is able. Some people God delivers. Some people God delivers the grace to get through it.
Peters third calling was to follow Jesus.
When Jesus called these men it was for life and for death. Called them to go and make a kingdom difference. (Matthew 4:18-22)
They left their nets and boats behind. They walk away from it all and they don't go back. Peter went back to fishing when Jesus died. Sometimes it sounds like it is more about the faith in the men than about the one they were following. It wass t about my faith, it was God in His power flowing through me.
What does Christ calling look like for you?
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